hello respected admin
my ID-vivek2020
yesterday it was marked as secondary account by the admin, i kindly request you to mark it unsecondary or main, because that is only account which i use for all my needs.
i rarely log in to another account which is -babes04 created by me and my friend but i dont use that for any purpose like(trainig,storage) that is just a casual account and today i also marked this acccount as secondary.
my main account is marked as secondary
Short URL: https://f.pkmn.pw/7/29929
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Please do check if your question is already answered in the FAQ or the Questions Page
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- d1g1t
- DelugeRPG Admin
- Posts: 2583
- Joined: Wed Dec 10, 2014 4:25 pm
If you don't properly mark shared/extra accounts, I will be marking them myself any way I feel like. I've removed it this time, but make sure to mark any new accounts you create.