Markings for Pokemon with All Stats on 'Release Pokemon' Confirmation Box

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Markings for Pokemon with All Stats on 'Release Pokemon' Confirmation Box

Post by Heodenings_Waltz »

Hi Sir d1g1t, Good day

I want to share this little opinion about putting some markings for pokemon with all stats on 'Release Pokemon' confirmation box.

Let's say we will release a number of spares. We will use the 'Release Multiple Pokemon' then 'Select All' for faster releasing of pokemon.

(We'll be only using 250 for this scenario)

For example, the 150th pokemon from the selected list is a Charmander with all stats. We can not double check through the Release Pokemon confirmation box since it has no marking. Unlike if we accidentally selected a pokemon with high-exp, we can double check it by sorting the Release Pokemon confirmation box by 'Exp' before hitting the 'Confirm' button.

Maybe add some sort of markings before the name of pokemon with all stats. Like in our trade logs, the Dark Blue info button. Or add another column for the 'stat' so that we can sort it too. In that way, we can avoid releasing valuable pokemon.

Thank you for reading, sir.